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How to configure Salesforce with SAML 2.0
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How to configure Salesforce 
with SAML 2.0

The following guide will walk you through adding IDEE AuthN as an external SAML 2.0 provider to allow logging in to Salesforce using IDEE AuthnN.

  • Login to Salesforce as an administrator.

  • From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Single Sign-On Settings, then select Single Sign-On Settings.

    enter Single Sign-On Settings, then select Single Sign-On
  • To view the SAML SSO settings click Edit and select SAML Enabled

    click Edit and select SAML Enabled
  • Click Save.

  • In SAML Single Sign-On Settings, click New from MetadataURL button to create a configuration.

    click New from MetadataURL button to create a configuration.
  • To access the URL, you need to add the URL to Remote Site Settings. Click on Remote Site Settings.

    Click on Remote Site Settings.
  • In All Remote Sites, click on New Remote Site.

    click on New Remote Site.
  • In All Remote Sites, click on New Remote Site.

    • Remote Site Name. Enter any value e.g. :

    • Remote Site URL. Copy/Paste value from IDEE AuthN portal. (IdP Metadata URL)
      Get this value from the IDEE AuthN portal

    Remote site setting
  • Click Save.

  • Go back to Single Sign-On Settings, and click New from MetadataURL button again.

    • Metadata. Copy/Paste value from IDEE AuthN portal. (IdP Metadata URL)
      Get this value from the IDEE AuthN portal

    single sign-on-setting
  • Now configure the fields on the Single Sign-On Settings.

    • Name. Enter any value e.g. : (optional)
      IDEE AuthN

      Set a Name for reference within your org. Salesforce inserts the corresponding API Name value, which you can customize. If this value is not set, it will later be taken from the metadata file.

    • SAML Identity Type, select "Assertion contains the User’s Salesforce username".
      It is important that user’s Salesforce username is the same as the email with which the user is enrolled in the AuthN app.

      - OR -

    • SAML Identity Type, select "Assertion contains the FederationID from the User object ".
      It is important that user’s FederationID is the same as the email with which the user is enrolled in the AuthN app.

    • Make sure value of Entity ID field corresponds to this format: https://*

    SAML single sign-on-setting
  • Click Save.

  • Click Download SAML Metadata to download an XML file of your SAML configuration settings to send to your identity provider.

    download SAML metadata
  • Click Back to Single Sign-On Settings.

  • Upload the downloaded metadata on the IDEE AuthN Portal and click save.

  • After you configure and save your SAML Settings, From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter My Domain, then select My Domain.

    select my domain.
  • Click Edit in the Authentication Configuration section.

    Click Edit in the Authentication Configuration section.
  • Here, configuration should appear in the list of Authentication Services. Check the appropriate box and click Save.

  • You’re done and users can now use IDEE AuthN to sign-in.